
Help to help

Raising awareness of the importance of human rights and fostering cooperation between humanitarian actors

Mano amiga

Mano amiga was born on 10 January 2021. The night before, a storm hit the city and the temperatures were very low. With a small group of volunteers, we decided to go out and distribute hot soup and blankets to our friends on the street. Despite all the help that we and the other organisations provided, the next day it came to light that two homeless people had been…


¿Cómo ayudar?

You can be part of IURAA by helping as a volunteer in the different ongoing projects. If you are specialised in specific areas such as law, journalism or marketing, we are also looking for help in the organisation!

Donations of materials

We collect donations all year round: warm clothes, backpacks, wool, hygiene products, etc. 

For companies

We are looking for new collaborations. If you are looking to collaborate with a non-profit organisation and feel that you share our values, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Make a donation or become a member

You can make a donation or become a member with the amount of your choice and receive exclusive news or participate in the decisions of the association.


You can share as much as you want on social media or by talking about the project with those around you.



Concienciar a la población sobre los diversos problemas humanitarios relacionados con los derechos humanos, intentando fomentar su participación en diversas acciones.



Realizamos proyectos solidarios, aportando nuestro granito de arena.



Buscamos fomentar la colaboración entre entidades humanitarias y solidarias para crear un movimiento sinérgico y un impacto todavía mayor.

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